Tom Haygarth's Programming blog
For a while I’ve been meaning to redesign this website and keep it a little more active. The plan is to write some tutorials and updates on various projects I’m working on in my free time.
So one of the projects I’ll be working on is this site in general. The previous version was constructed using a lot of PHP and a MySql database that was functional but not very optimal. I did build up a backend that allowed me to add, edit, and delete posts but that was pretty rudimentary and was a little bit clunky to maintain and add new features to. All of this resulted in a functional site but one that wasn’t overly pretty and didn’t scale for mobile platforms.
So I’ve decided to take a different approach to building the new site and create a static site using the Hexo framework and bootstrap. For the first iteration of the redesign I have adapted Jonathan Klughertz’s tutorial for creating a Hexo theme that recreates the bootstrap blog example. Hopefully this will result in a more responsive site (as the pages won’t have to be built from pulling info out of the database) and that the site will also scale better for mobile screens.